Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Confirmed to Get Season 2

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Tsukimichi S2
Tsukimichi Season 2

After the broadcast of the 12th episode at once last episode of Anime Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu,Finally the official website for Tsumichi (Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu) announced that Thskimichi anime will get a second season.

However, it is very unfortunate that the site has not provided a release or broadcast schedule for the second season.

The anime series, produced by animation studio C2C, began airing on July 7. Crunchyroll is streaming the anime with subtitles as it airs in Japan

Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu, also known as Tsukimichi, adapted Kei Azumi's fantasy adventure novels, which they originally wrote on the Shousetsuka ni Narou website from February 2012. to August 2016, and simultaneously switched to AlphaPolis in July 2016. The latter began publishing the series in May 2013 dwith illustrations by Mitsuaki Matsumoto and released the 16th volume on June 30. Tsukimichi has a cumulative 2 million copies of the volumes in print.

Kotora Kino began drawing a manga adaptation in AlphaPolis Web Manga magazine in June 2015. The eighth shipped last October.


As part of a mysterious contract signed by a goddess and her parents years ago, Makoto Misumi finds himself sent to another world to meet the goddess and become a hero. However, the god finds Makoto to be "terrible", even refusing to look at him and stripping him of his heroic title. Disgust gave him the ability to understand all languages ​​except human language as compensation, the goddess banishes Makoto to the farthest edge of the desert, far from human civilization.

Due to the difference between Earth and this new world, Makoto's inherent physical and magical abilities awaken, making him incredibly strong.

Nevertheless, despite this success, Makoto still wants to meet his fellow humans. In a world where the goddess herself has forbidden her from interacting with her kind, it's up to Makoto and his friends to fulfill his wishes—and perhaps reform society along the way.

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